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Please use the controls at the bottom of each video box to start, stop and adjust the volume on the videos you choose to view.


this collection of videos and others like it from various sources. They will help to educate, empower, FREE and deprogram you from AA & all 12 step faux treatment, mind manipulating dogma, jargon and lies.

You are welcome to watch these videos and others like them as often as you were once forced to read "approved" program materials and to attend brain-washing & dangerous meetings. Watch often and THINK independently for optimal benefits and freedom from programmed mindsets.

You Have Been Lied To.


Rat Park Experiment on Addiction

Feeling Suicidal in AA?

WE FEEL YOU... Don't Stay Sad; GET MAD!

Dr. Stanton Peele on the Dry Drunk Lie

The 13th Step: THE FILM

Bruce Alexander on Alternative Views of Addiction

Why do people get addicted?


Alan Watts - Pink Floyd - TIME & Pretty Lights

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