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Tradition 10 - Alcoholics Anonymous has no opinion on outside issues; hence the AA name ought never be drawn into public controversy." Please follow orders from the Interchurch Center if you are an AA member and don't comment.

Death by AA?


This page is dedicated to those that we have known and know-not of. These precious people entered AA and other 12th Step programs in an earnest search for help. These precious souls still struggling to be heard.

Many of these people reached up to grab a hold of the outstretched hand of 12 step programs like AA. They received only rhetoric, ridicule, emotional abuse, sexual harassment, rejection, exploitation, bullying, rape, financial fraud, abandoment, humiliation, abuse, faux religion, reputation assassination and ultimately an unbearable increase in whatever personal pain that he or she was already experiencing.


Let these people go unheard and unaccounted for NO LONGER!

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