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AA Sponsee/ Newcomer - Open WARNING Letter

COMING SOON - This letter, currently in development is to be directed to AA Sponsees & AA Newcomers EVERYWHERE. They have been mislead to believe that they are "powerless" that somehow Alcoholics Anonymous and its so-called AA Sponsors are beyond reproach and outside of the authority of and the laws of the land. They are not. AA nor any member of AA has the power or the right to control or abuse AA members, old-timers, women, minors or newcomers. Yet these abuses continue to be committed. Many people are being and have been harmed in AA. Many people are driven into mental and emotional crisis; some commit suicide due to being exposed to AA. Surely, if you have been involved with AA for even a brief time, you have seen it at some level even if it has not happened to you directly. AA Members and Sponsors guilty of causing harm to other individuals in AA are being sued more and more often. This will increase as we move forward.

If you are being harmed, there is help. You are not alone! Please connect with us online now. We are many. We are POWERFUL. And so are YOU. Go to for support and DEPROGRAMING assistance with like-minded AA Survivors NOW!


AA will not “love” you until you learn to love yourself. That is merely a popular and oft used AA saying. The TRUTH is:

AA Will LIE to YOU Until YOU Learn to LIE to YOURSELF!

AA's talk so much about identifying one's "defects of character" and sins. Yet they are the guiltiest of the guilty when it comes to how they treat other AA members and especially so-called AA Newcomers, AA Pigeons and AA Babies. Many people are being harmed in AA. Why are so many of them unable to see their own "part in it?" Their gross lack of self-awareness is the true INSANITY.

It is not morally or legally right to abuse people who have been made to mistakenly believe that the unqualified AA Sponsors have any power over them at all. You DO NOT have to do what they "suggest," advise or tell you to do. AA is not, nor does it or anyone in it represent God. They made it all up!

AA Sponsors are not a legal authority over you. They cannot legally be relied upon to maintain your privacy or protect your confidentiality. Anything you say to them can be brought out in a court of law or spread throughout the "fellowship" via gossip and pure ignorance. They use information about you that you share with them to eventually manipulate you. It happens every day. No one warns newcomers of this deep, dangerous pitfall. Once it happens to you, there is NOTHING you can do about it. They have no legal, professional or religious authority whatsoever! Why bare your soul before swine? Are you willing to confide in them because they claim to have not ingested any alcohol for a certain amount of time? So what? Be careful to keep your wits about you! (AA will suck your brain right out through your..."ear".)

Remember, there are many, many people outside of AA who have stopped drinking for years and years or who have never had a drink in their entire lives. Again, so damned what? Are they supposed to get some kind of a medal for that? (OOPS! I forgot. In AA they do get some kind of a medal for that. With a bunch of AA medallions and a dime, you can't buy a bucket of spit though.) AA's have NO AUTHORITY over you, regardless of their so-called, self-proclaimed, unverifiable "clean-time!" They have NO POWER over you except whatever power you choose to grant them. And why would you do that? Would you do it because you want what they've got? What do they have? DELUSION based on a made up religion and alcohol treatment that AA themselves have failed to demonstrate is effective. SEE: Dr. Stanton Peele on Dr. George E. Vaillant of Harvard University, Class A member of the Board of Trustees of Alcoholics Anonymous World Services, Inc.:

In many ways AA sponsors often lack a sense of identity and power in the real world, so they cling to the faux identity and importance they gain from racking up self-proclaimed time in the "fellowship." As long as everyone plays along, it can be quite rewarding for wounded egos. Take a moment to really look at the egotistical, arrogant little smirk on the faces of some old-timers as they toss out put-downs, correction or admonishments towards a newer member. It is SICK! A hierarchy definitely exists and is consistently reinforced within The Fellowship. It is largely done at the expense of Newcomers to The Program. That is why they really tell you that “the newest person is the most important person in the room.” You see? Without new people, there would be no one for them to have “more time” or importance over. They will NEVER admit this. In their holy big book it tells them that it is the sponsor who benefits most from sponsorship, not the sponsee. Really! You must look for the unspoken truth when dealing with AA people; most truths are unspoken with them. Try asking a few of them the same core question. They always answer with non-sensical gibberish that they memorize from reading the BB and 12 and 12 over and over and over again. They have no original thoughts. (It will run a chill up your spine when you begin to notice this.) Open your eyes. Tune in. Observe these characters. You will see.

When you enter most AA meetings, you are actually entering The Wonderful World of Oz as constructed by Bill W. and his alcoholic associates in 1935. A lot of it was copied from an old religion; SEE Oxford Group. Those rooms and tables have naught to do with reality. They begin each meeting with a group recitation of The Lord's Prayer while claiming not to be "religious," rather "spiritual". (Okay.) AA members and sponsors have been lied to. As an AA Newcomer, you are probably being treated with kindness, a lot of "love-bombing" and faux-friendship; it is all just a part of the indoctrination process. They are lying to you. AA is less effective in helping people deal with alcohol dependency than doing nothing at all. It’s true! AA kills. SEE Facts on AA Recovery Rates.

This is very hard to see in the beginning. Even after reading this warning you may not be able to see beyond AA obstructionist techniques (a.k.a. BS). If you ask your sponsors or other members about this, they will answer with jargon, ignorant AA sayings and paradoxical non sequiturs. They have no truth; only what the BB and other AA's tell them. If you disclose to them that you are visiting sites such as this one, they will "suggest" that you avoid these sites and just read "program-approved-literature" all for the sake of your sobriety. It is not on your behalf that they "suggest" (a.k.a. COMMAND) this. It is for the sake of the continued existence of AA. Your only purpose is to be sacrificed in order to keep AA going; Dead or Alive...they will use you. See THAT and you will see IT ALL. You are to be an obedient member or end up being "one of the ones who must die so that others may live". (A less often revealed AA saying.)

The most harmful LIE that AA pushes is that AA is the ONLY way to recover from alcohol. They will try to condition you to believe that there are only two choices; AA or DEATH. Don’t you dare believe this! There are a myriad of alternative programs out there that are effective in helping people who choose to abstain or moderate alcohol consumption in their lives. SEE AA ALTERNATIVES:  ( )

Many people have been hurt by unscrupulous AA sponsors and members. Many of the people in those meetings have been mandated to attend AA by the courts. Many are dangerous felons, rapists, child molesters and perpetrators of financial fraud. The courts have been using AA meetings as a dumping ground for years. It is NOT safe. The Victims of AA are large in numbers. They are not "powerless." We are POWERFUL. WE are determined that abusive AA sponsors, members, supporters, etc. finally learn what the word "ACCOUNTABILITY" really means.

Alcoholics Anonymous, AA sponsors and members are now being held accountable for their actions, crimes, misdeeds and many abuses. Keep an eye on the news. See for yourself! A few examples of Alcoholic Anonymous in the News:

Those are just a few. Do your own research. I did. It drove my sponsors crazy, but that is why they were unsuccessful in indoctrinating me fully. They kept telling me to "JUST STOP THINKING!" If they had known me at all, they would have never said some crap like that to me. It made me think MORE! I wanted to know what they had to hide. Now I know. The TRUTH is there for you to find as well. Please do not take my word for it. Take your time. Do your own due diligence. Hit the library. Call the police. Google “Alcoholics Anonymous and crime or violence or rape or molestation or court mandated meetings.” Go ahead… GOOGLE Alcoholics Anonymous CRIME.

Bill W. can't help the sponsors and old timers that take advantage of others in the program and neither can "The Fellowship."  If certain sponsors or members are guilty of abusing other human beings, they are going to be held increasingly accountable. Please, if you decide to continue to attend AA meetings and follow your sponsor “suggestions (a.k.a. ORDERS), NEVER do so blindly. Stay informed; stay connected to positive, caring people outside of AA (which they will likely eventually try to dissuade) but do not ever allow AA and The Fellowship to be your only source of interacting with others. This weakens you and puts you solely at their mercy. They will try to pretend that it is for your own good and for the sake of your sobriety. Don’t fall for it! Isolating from all others simply makes you easier for AA to control, consume and destroy you at will. And if you ever choose to do the 4th and 5th steps, please consider ONLY revealing your intimate and private secrets with a licensed therapist or real clergy person who can legally and assuredly maintain your confidentially. Don’t tell those AA people all of your business! You have been WARNED. SEE VIDEO WARNING ABOUT AA SPONSORS! ( )

The completed Letter with which all will be armed is soon to come and it may be sent to any and all newcomers to AA…or those struggling with the insanity of it all.

 I'll Be Free...or DIE


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