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Tradition 10 - Alcoholics Anonymous has no opinion on outside issues; hence the AA name ought never be drawn into public controversy." Please follow orders from the Interchurch Center if you are an AA member and don't comment.

Letters to Customize & Send

This page will provide customizable letters for all concerned with increasing awareness of the many threats that AA and 12 Step programs pose. Moving forward I will provide links to these powerful and customizable letters for people in the AA Awareness Movement to utilize and send via email and/or US mail.


The Letters Currently in Development are Letters to:

·         CHURCHES: upon whose grounds AA and other 12 step programs hold meetings wherein potentially dangerous offenders attend regularly. This letter is provided in order that church officials be made aware that, AA (or other 12 step) this spiritually religious organization which teaches members to seek out any god from a rock to a sponsor to a roach to a also putting their church members and church grounds in jeopardy of incidences involving sexual molestation, rape, assault and even shootings 

·         PARISHIONERS: of churches across the country and abroad where AA (or other 12 step) meetings are held, who are unaware of the threat posed by sexual predators and potential for shootings due to weapons and violent offenders entering their churches on a regular basis. This letter will support and encourage their efforts to compel their church officials to act in the best interest of its church members rather than in the interest of AA (or other 12 step) meetings, programs or organizations 

·         PARENTS & TEACHERS: of children who attend school or play sports in places located in the vicinity of AA meetings where we all know sexual predators are sent 

·         PARENTS & INSTRUCTORS: of high school and college aged students who are being sent or choosing to go to meetings where potentially dangerous offenders lurk and look for victims


Those are the letters planned for development thus far. They will be made available online via a link. Those in active support of the AA Awareness Movement may access them online, customize them and send.

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