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AA Sponsors - Open WARNING Letter

COMING SOON - This letter in development is to be directed to AA Sponsors EVERYWHERE. AA Sponsors have been grossly mislead to believe that they are somehow beyond reproach and the authority of the laws of the land. They are not. AA cannot nor will it even try to protect AA Sponsors found guilty of causing harm to other individuals in AA. AA will not protect abusive, assaultive AA sponsors. The Fellowship will not protect them. Ignorance is NO EXCUSE!

It is not morally or legally safe to abuse people who have been made to mistakenly believe that the AA Sponsor has any power over them at all. AA Sponsors really are "powerless" over others, but in a state of delusion, these conditioned individuals cannot/ will not SEE the truth.

Are you a sponsor? Listen; No one has to do what you "suggest," advise or tell them to do. You are not God. You are not a legal authority over adult sponsees. You are not what you think you are when you enter "the rooms". Those rooms and tables have naught to do with reality. You have been lied to. As an active AA Sponsor you are lying to others. The main thing that you are missing is that you are liable legally for EVERYTHING you say and do in AA. You can be sued. If you have or are abusing people, the odds are increasing daily that YOU WILL BE SUED!

The case of Karla Brada's sponsor who misadvised her and contributed to her murder at the hands of her AA Member boyfriend:

Many people have been hurt by unscrupulous AA Sponsors. These people are large in numbers. They are not "powerless." We are POWERFUL and determined that abusive AA Sponsors finally learn what the word "ACCOUNTABILITY" really means. What areas of abuse are being reviewed? Here are just a few:

  • Financial Exploitation
  • Sexual Misconduct
  • Emotional Abuse
  • Unqualified Medical Advising
  • Rape
  • Assault
  • Murder

AA and AA Sponsors are now being held accountable for their actions, misdeeds and many abuses. Is your "side of the road" as clean as you pretend it is?

It had better be.

Bill W. can't help you and neither can "The Fellowship" if you are guilty of abusing or taking advantage other human beings under the guise of "working the program".

The Letter with which all will be armed is soon to come. Look for it in the mail.

I'll Be Free...or DIE


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